1. What are the requirements to apply for a new water connection?
For new residential service connection:
1. Photocopy of Tax Declaration/Land Title or
Contract of Sale/ Certificate of Donation.
2. Authority from the Lot Owner/Administrator
For new commercial service connection:
1.Photocopy of Tax Declaration/Land Title or
Contract of Sale
2. The account name shall be that of the
owner of the property
3. Subsequent applications for service
connections shall no longer require the above-stated documents
For those who are renting/leasing land:
1. Photocopy of a contract of lease or written permit from the owner, valid agreements, certification, and other applicable documents that may be required,
2. The account name shall be in the name of the applicant.
3. Applicants leasing or renting a lot must
have a valid agreement from the owner/contract of lease/authority from the
owner to use the lot. The account shall be in the name of the applicant.
2. How can I apply a new water connection?
The applicant must attend the Pre-Membership Orientation Seminar(PMOS)
Submit the application form together with the requirements listed above.
3.Inspection of Line Technician, who makes estimate of material and recommend to the Manager for approval of connection.
Pay the amount of 60 pesos for the Service fee.
5.Informs the office if materials and excavation are ready.
3. How can I install a new service connection?
There shall be a 60 pesos service connection fee to cover the cost of materials and other services. All other materials and labor from the water meter to the applicant’s residence including the in-house piping system shall be at the expense of the concerned member-consumer. In case the request for service connection will require an excavation permit, issuance. SJWSC personnel shall notify the consumer of the corresponding payment of charges.
1. How can I apply for Senior citizen discounts?
Senior citizen ID or any government ID.
2. For Senior citizen discount
SJWSC gives a five (5%) percent discount to Senior citizen members.
3. Limitation of discount for Senior citizen
The consumption should not exceed 30 cubic meters because the discount given will no longer be valid.
1. How do I request a water disconnection?
For residential accounts with one month water bills that remain unpaid after a given grace period shall be subjective to disconnection. Disconnection of water supply shall take effect on the next working day after the disconnection date.
Disconnection can be withheld on the following grounds :
Death in the household
Severe Illness / Hospitalized household member
Voluntarily Disconnection due to transferring of residence
2. How can I apply for reconnection?
When all water bills are paid.
3. How was the disconnection of water services process?
Disconnection of water services are done during working days, and only the authorized employee (Line Technician) of SJWSC have the obligation to disconnect water supply and restore it after having been fully paid.
4. How long will the reconnection process take?
Reconnection is done as soon as unpaid payments have been settled.
5. Re-connection/Re-installation
There shall be a 75 pesos reconnection fee for the re-tapping of a water meter to the existing water service connection that was previously disconnected/deactivated, and only authorized employees of SJWSC have the right to reconnect the water supply.
1. What is a Meter Check up?
Malfunctioning of the water meter complained by the member is automatically checked and repaired by the technician assigned as long as the office is properly informed.
2. What is Meter Calibration?
Calibration is undertaken to determine the accuracy of the water meter. This is initiated when a member-consumer contests the water billing statement. The calibration process compares a customer’s water meter against a standard meter at high, medium, and low flow rates.
3. Who is responsible for repairing leaks?
The authorized Line Technician shall be responsible for repairing the leaks
4. Complaints Standard Response Time for consumers
Billing Complaints
Meter Accuracy ( 1 day )
Errors in Tariff Computations ( 1 day )
Water Quality (usually aesthetic aspects) ( 1 day )
Water Supply /Quality
No Water (1-3 days)
Low Pressure (1-3 days)
Leak, Related Complaints ( 1 day )
Continuity Complaints ( 2 days )
Meter, Related Complaints
Reply to Complaints ( 1-2 days )
Replacement after the filing of the report ( 2 days )
5. How do I check for leaks using my water meter?
Leak Related Complaints:
1. Service Line Leak refers to the leak on the pipeline from the distribution and lateral pipes up to the water meter, leakage on this line should be reported immediately to the SJWSC office.
2. House Leak refers to the leak that occurs from the water meter to the house of the consumer-member, leak repairs and maintenance in this area are to be borne by the consumer-member himself
6. How can I report a stolen meter?
1. Report the incident to the Barangay/Police Officials for the blotter.
2. Get a copy of the Police blotter and bring it to the SJWSC office together with the water bill and sketch of the house/building.
3. The SJWSC office is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 11:00 noon to receive reports and complaints, especially from the victims of stolen meters. SJWCS Hotline- 0917-634-1370 and Landline No.- 036- 5409036
7. Filing of Service Request and Complaints
1. Proceed to SJWSC office or make a phone call at Telephone No. (036) 540-9036 or text at mobile no. 0917-634-1370.
2. Identify yourself, your location and state your complaint.
3.The technician shall attend to the consumers’ complaint, served the service request form signed by the consumers who witness the repair done by the maintenance personnel.
1. How can I pay my water bill?
Payment of water bills can be done directly to the office cashiers which is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm with no noon break (As per BOD Resolution No. 06, Series of 2019) and every Saturday from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Payments of water bills can also be made at selected banks and collection centers for those bills which are not yet overdue.
2. What is the billing statement shows?
The billing statement shows the name of consumer-member; current and previous reading; cubic meter of water consumed; previous months’ unpaid water bills; account on materials and fittings, if any; and the total amount due.
3. When is my water bill due?
Meter reading is done every first (1st) week of the month. The water bill statement and water bill receipt are served on the tenth (10th) day or second week of the month. Present and previous readings, and the corresponding amount of consumption is printed in the bill as well as the due date and cut-off date.
4. How can I receive my water bill?
In case the member or any of the household members is not available to receive the billing statement, this should be placed in a strategic place within the meter or gate to be easily seen by the member-consumer or household members
5. Why is my water bill so high?
High water bills can be due to various factors such as increased usage, leaks, or billing errors. Check your bill for detailed usage information and inspect your property for leaks. If you still have concerns, you can go to our office SJWSC.